Last Bronx (Full Game Repack Download)

Last Bronx Full Game Repack Download

The leader of Soul Crew, the toughest gang in Tokyo, was viciously killed. Shortly after that an anonymous challenge appeared in graffiti scrawls all over the city "inviting" all of the city's gang leaders to a fighting tournament that will settle which group has the power to rule Tokyo. Everyone knew refusing to participate was not an option.

Just like in Virtua Fighter 2, you fight in 3D stages and every character has its unique style and feel. But unlike the PC version of Virtua Fighter 2, where the background of every stage is a flat picture, in Last Bronx all the scenery is done in 3D. Plus, you can taunt your opponent during the fight!

System Requirements
OS: Windows 95
CPU: Intel Pentium 133 MHz or Intel Pentium 166 MHz
RAM: 16 MB or 32 MB
Hard disk: 300 MB
GPU: DirectX 5 compatible

Last Bronx Full Game Repack Download

Last Bronx Full Game Repack Download

Last Bronx Full Game Repack Download

Last Bronx Full Game Repack Download

Repack Notes
- Working CD music & cutscenes, although when a cutscene finishes playing the game will lose focus so you will need to Alt + Tab and switch back to the game
- Tested OK on Windows 10 & XP, crashes on Windows 11 & 7 and the movies & music doesn't seem to work. Don't know what's the issue. This game is buggy as hell and it will be a miracle if it even works for you. Also it uses DDrawCompat so make sure that you have the latest graphics drivers installed and lastly don't set any compatibility modes! On Windows 7 if you remove the ddraw.dll file from the gamedir it seems to work however then you will need to frame-limit the game to 30 FPS if it's too fast for you. The game also installs with a Win98 compatibility patch

Download (205MB)
https://ouo .io/lxOOVC (remove the space before .io)

Last_Bronx_Repack.rar - E69AFC996A1C2E8B666ED1CD4762ED08ACE0FC0A268FD6ABEC3771464138EE4B

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