February 2021 News

Greetings everybody!! We present you 25 new additions and some updated repacks with the new component-based installer. The idea behind it is the ability to include or exclude certain components, such as dgVoodoo (where possible), ThirteenAG's widescreen patches, CD images of 'NoCrack' releases and etc. Again, where possible!

So for example, certain games which need dgVoodoo (which isn't compatible with Windows XP) to even work, you will not be able to uncheck it as a component, but it will NOT be shown as a component option when you run the installer on Win XP or even run the installer with compatibility settings. That way, if you are installing a particular game on your old gaming rig with Windows XP, you will no longer need to manually remove dgVoodoo libraries. 

Repacks that are classified 'NoCrack' and need the CD image, the same principle will be applied as above. Other repacks which are also 'NoCrack' based, but can run without the CD image, you will be able to uncheck it as an option. And so on it goes. We will be slowly updating affected releases (100+ as we speak), which is essentially a suicide mission but, YOLO.

Should you update? Probably not for the most part, unless you are collecting our releases (which is wonderful), then yes. Check the changelogs and decide.

So here's the list with the new additions:


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